I n t r o d u c t i o n

T o
T h e
W o r k g r o u p




The "International Workgroup on Hollardops variants" is the result of a common desire that has gradually matured among the varied members of the Yahoo Trilobites2 Group (YT2G). The people who are behind this concept of Workgroup have realized that there is a potentially significant role to be played by a coordinated comparison of specimens gleaned from amateur collections and compared to scientific diagnoses available in the literature. We invite all interested to participate in this venture.




Some of those who participate in this project are not scientists, while others are published paleontologists, but we will share our resources, skills, motivation and knowledge. Because we include scientists, amateurs, nature lovers, hobbyists and collectors, we recognize our different levels of skills and interest. A draft set of standard approaches and methods (a "work basis") is being developed for our efforts, and is described in more detail on following pages.




This project definitely lies on the crossroads between scientists and amateurs, with a mutual desire to derive the best from each other. Respect and friendship has already been gained via general discussions on the Trilobites2 Forum. The time has come now to take that further...






Workbasis - Introduction
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Page written by Jean-Brice Gayet, corrected by Sam Gon III

Paris. December, the 10th.