Here are some links that might be useful :)


Personnal pages


Alphabetical order ;)


Pages dedicated to a region

Europe :

US / Canada :

Rest of the world :



Chat and forums


Yahoo trilobite 2 club : Absolute must to all english-speaking person.
Hollardops Workgroup : Yahoo group dedicated to the Hollardops project.
Forum Fossilien DE : Direct link to the forum of Fossilien DE (Deutsch).



Scientific and Universitary references


Utah fossils page. THE reference concerning the fossils of Utah in general, and the trilobites in particular. Utah University. Must be seen at least once.
Revision der Östbaltischen Silurischen Trilobiten. Tremendeous catalog of the historical trilobite collection of Schmidt. Oslo University.
Beringeria abstracts (german).
Libya macrofossils... Just in case you were going there for your holidays ;). PDF Format. The trilobites are here.
Mechanisms of fossilization of the soft-bodied and lightly armored faunas of the Burgess.... To be read ! a paper by Radomir Petrovich (PDF format).
Nature Museum collection list (Natur-Museum) (Switzerland).
New taxa described in Senckenberg : To be consulted in case of diagnose research.
Paleontographica before 1933 ...
Paleography via crinoids in Spain. PDF file.
UMR 8014 (LP3) Laboratoire de Paléontologie et de Paléogéographie du Paléozoïque : Address of a palaeontology research lab from Lille, France.
Wikipedia : Online encyclopedia (english/français)


Commercial sites : Books and papers on the net.
USGS : pour commander une référence chez eux.